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Seamlessly migrate your WordPress site at no cost!

First 100 migrations are FREE!
Don't miss out on this limited-time offer.

Add $10 to start creating your servers on the world's best cloud providers.

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Create your servers on cloud providers

We use the best cloud providers on the market to configure your web applications


Save more with smart approach

Take full control of your servers with our user-friendly management panel. Enjoy the benefits of managed hosting without the limitations. Host as many websites and handle as much traffic as you need.


Manage everything from one dashboard

Simplify your server management with a unified dashboard. Manage all your sites, servers, backups, and configurations in one place. Effortlessly migrate sites between servers without technical headaches.


Integrate your apps & do more

Integrate with various services you use on regular basis to host your sites, manage backups and manage code. It will save you lots of time in repetitive tasks.

Manage your Sites Like Never Before!

Automatic Installation

Configure a desired tech stack on your VM without touching the command line.

Git Deployments

Deploy from Git with an additional benefit of "Push to Deploy" functionality.

One Click Installer

The quickest and most convenient way to deploy popular web applications.

Powerful File Manager

Manage, edit, extract, compress and perform other actions on your files.

Automatic SSL Certificates

One-Click SSL certificates for your sites with fully automated renewals.

One-Click Site Cloning

Clone your sites on same as well as different servers with a single click.

Temporary Domains

You do not need a domain to create a new project, we provide temporary domains.

Dedicated PHP Settings

Even in the same server, each app can have different PHP settings and version.

One-Click Staging Area

Create a staging area with one click, make changes, and push to production.

Create stunning websites that fits your needs.

Add $10 to start creating your servers on the world's best cloud providers.

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Our self-managed solution delivers top-tier performance for WordPress, PHP, and Node.js applications, all with zero server management.

WordPane Cloud © 2024, All rights reserved.